Retrouvez le site de Franck Galland sur les problématiques stratégiques et sécuritaires liées aux ressources en eau : Water strategic & Security Issues.
(ES)² news
December 2012: Tender for public service delegation
(ES)² works for a French operator in order to improve its risk management procedures in the frame of a major international tender for water production and wastewater treatment.
November 2012: Water Contamination Emergencies Conference in Germany
(ES)² attends the Water Contamination Conference in Germany as a speaker on the issue: ”Emergency preparedness and crisis management: new issues at stake for utility managers”
October 2012: Final report on water resiliency
(ES)² presents the conclusions of its report aiming to improve drinkable water systems resiliency for a GCC state.
September 2012: African Forum on Business and Security
(ES)² speaks in Nairobi during the African Forum on Business and Security at a session dedicated to “Resiliency and response for critical infrastructures”.
August 2012: Safety assessment of a water plant
(ES)² makes an assessment on several sites (pumping station, water pipe, treatment plant and three reservoirs) for a key operator in Casablanca.
July 2012: Dam vulnerabilities assessment
(ES)² makes a vulnerability study for a dam playing a key role in water supplying of a major city in Bulgaria.
June 2012: Review of electrical response plans
(ES)² is commissioned to review electrical emergency plans of a Moroccan operator.
May 2012: Major crisis response training exercise
(ES)² prepares and manages a major crisis training exercise based on a breaking of a main water pipe for a Moroccan operator.
April 2012: Gulf Water Conference
(ES)² speaks during the 10th Gulf Water Conference on “Emergency preparedness and crisis response in water management”.
March 2012: Emergency water plan and alternative water supply solutions
(ES)² initiates a mission aiming to set up steps and phases of an emergency water plan for a Moroccan operator
February 2012: Assessment of water supply systems in the Gulf area
(ES)² starts for a GCC State a mission aiming to assess vulnerabilities and improve resiliency of its drinkable water supply systems against unconventional threats.
January 2012: “Customers incivilities management” training courses
(ES)² sets up training courses dedicated to improve management capabilities in front of customer’s incivilities for the management board of a water operator in Morocco.
December 2011: Urban resiliency in the Mediterranean Sea area
(ES)² delivers a report on urban resiliency of major cities located around the Mediterranean Sea, ordered by a think thank dealing with strategic issues in the MENA region.
November 2011: Berlin Forum
(ES)² is part of the Defence and Security E-Learning Forum in Berlin on the topic: ”Education in emergency preparedness and disaster management, for utility and crisis response managers”.
November 2011: Methodological handbook
(ES)² delivers the methodological handbook requested to support operators of a water company in preparing emergency and crisis situations.
October 2011: Rain season preparation in Morocco
(ES)² is committed to improve preparing measures before rain season in Morocco for a water and wastewater treatment company.
September 2011: Crisis management training course in Morocco
(ES)² sets up operational crisis management training courses for a water company in Morocco. Furthermore, (ES)² works on Rapid Reaction Units for pumping and power supply deployment.
May 2011: Master degree “Water for all”
(ES)² trains in emergency preparedness and crisis response water managers of the Master Degree course “Water for all” run by AgroParisTech Engineering School.
May 2011: Post crisis diagnostic in Morocco
(ES)² delivers conclusions and recommendations of post crisis diagnostic following urban floods in November 2010 which targeted a major Moroccan city.
April 2011: National Session of the French High Committee for Civil Defence
During this course, (ES)² gives a lecture about hydraulic facilities vulnerabilities.
March 2011: Mission in Brazil
(ES)² works in Brazil to train technicians of water and wastewater treatment operator in crisis situations management. Also, (ES)² is in Panama to study vulnerability of a wastewater treatment critical plant.