July 2024

(ES)² works on drafting the technical brief for the bid on the aspects of infrastructure security, crisis management and business continuity for the water and wastewater services of a major local authority in the Occitanie region, south of France.

(ES)² starts a technical and intelligence watch and an operational on-call service, for two operators in the Paris region, in response to any crisis scenario that might impact the business continuity of the water and wastewater services during the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

June 2024

(ES)² delivers the generic crisis plan and an Operational Pre-Crisis Diagnosis for an operator in charge of sanitation for a major local authority in the Hauts de France region, north of France.

May 2024

Commissioned to help an operator renegotiate its public service delegation contract, (ES)² drafts the technical brief for the bid on crisis management and continuity of service aspects for the wastewater treatment plants of a major local authority in north-eastern France.

April 2024

(ES)² organizes an operational crisis exercise at a plant that is essential to the water supply for a major city in northern France, based on a scenario involving damage to the environment following a discharge error. The scenario is based on a major pollution of the river, with the aim of working on the communication aspects during a crisis and responding to live media.

March 2024

In preparation for the 2024 Olympic Games, (ES)² organises and prepares an operational crisis exercise including a malicious act and a major pipe burst with a serious impact on the water supply to two Olympic sites. At the request of its client, the Laboratoire Central de la Préfecture de Police (LCPP) takes part in the exercise.

For a manufacturer and operator of wind farms, (ES)² reviews technical incident management and crisis response procedures, with a view to setting up an emergency response team.

February 2024

(ES)² begins a mission to support an operator on the French Côte d'Azur in improving the security of its infrastructure and the business continuity of the water supply. The particularity of this contract lies in the fact that the main water resources are located in Italy.

January 2024

(ES)² begins an eight-month project management assistance service to update the security master plan for a critical water utility of the Paris region.

December 2023

(ES)² begins a mission to support an operator in the south of France in drafting its technical bid brief on the security, business continuity and crisis management aspects with a view to obtaining a public service contract for a major local authority in the Bouches-du-Rhône department, south of France.

November 2023

On behalf of a major utility in the Hauts-de-France region, north of France, (ES)² and its cybersecurity partner Cartesian Lab are working on a review of the operator's cybersecurity deployment strategy and costings, with a view to ensuring compliance with the 20 security rules set out by the French “Code de la Défense”.

October 2023

With a view to the 2024 Olympic Games, (ES)² begins to carry out a pre-crisis operational diagnosis for an operator in the Paris area, and issues recommendations for improving performance, as well as drafting business and non-business crisis management guidelines, intended for the top management on-call team and the operations on-call team.

September 2023

(ES)² organises a crisis management drill on a resource pollution scenario for an operator in charge of the drinking water supply for a major urban community in the Centre Val de Loire region, involving the Mobile Chemical Response Unit of the local fire brigade.

August 2023

(ES)² completes its consultancy work for a water authority in western France, reviewing crisis response procedures, reorganising internal crisis management team, preparing and organising a crisis drill, as well as assisting the water authority during the summer in dealing with a specific crisis situation linked to the presence of THMs in the water.

July 2023

(ES)² completes a security audit and issues recommendations concerning the hardening of critical drinking water production and storage sites in preparation for the 2024 Olympic Games.

(ES)² submits the progress plan to be drawn up following an operational crisis management exercise organised for a water supply authority in a city in the Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur region, south of France. The exercise involved a response scenario following an intrusion and intentional pollution of a reservoir site.

June 2023

(ES)² carries out a security master plan at the production and distribution facilities of a major metropolitan water authority in eastern France.

(ES)² writes the technical brief for the bid on the business continuity, crisis management and infrastructure security aspects of an operator bidding for a public service delegation contract in a city in the south of France.

May 2023

(ES)² completes a security audit and issues recommendations for hardening critical drinking water production and storage sites in preparation of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games in Paris.

April 2023

(ES)² carries out a master plan to improve security and crisis response at the production and distribution facilities of a major metropolitan water company in the east of France.

(ES)² writes on business continuity, operational crisis management and infrastructure security for the technical offer of an operator bidding for a major water and sanitation’s public service delegation contract in the south-west of France.

March 2023

(ES)² carries out an operational diagnosis and makes recommendations on how to better respond to operating crises for a private company in charge of the water production and distribution facilities of a large city in the Cotes d'Armor department (Brittany region).

February 2023

(ES)² carries out a study to improve the security of a major wastewater treatment plant in the east of France which has increased its biogas production and storage capacity, through two new-generation digesters.

January 2023

Also active in the field of Energy Recovery Units (UVE) and heating networks, (ES)² writes the technical brief for an operator's bid on the business continuity, crisis management and infrastructure security aspects in a tender for a large city in the Hauts-de-France region, north of France.

December 2022

(ES)² begins drafting the special protection plans for critical sites known as Points of Vital Importance (PVI) for two operators, having had their Operator Security Plan (OSP) been validated by the French government.

November 2022

(ES)² continues to work on the security master plan begun two months earlier for around thirty drinking water production and distribution sites in western France.

October 2022

(ES)² organizes a major crisis management drill at two Energy Recovery Units (UVE) for a large waste management authority in charge of the Paris region. This is followed by a crisis response progress plan presented to the board of management.

September 2022

(ES)² carries out a pre-crisis operational diagnosis, with a view to preparing and leading an operational crisis exercise disrupting the drinking water supply to a large city in Brittany.

(ES)² provides training in the protection of secrecy (compliance with French IGI 1300) and begins security audits on all the assets of a water operator designated of vital importance by the French government.

July 2022

(ES)² assesses the risks of a major breakdown in business continuity and draws up a progress plan for an operator in charge of large production units, which are critical for the water supply of the south of Brittany.

June 2022

(ES)² prepares and organizes a crisis management exercise for the regional executive committee of a major water and wastewater operator at the headquarters of the French Army 6th Light Armoured Brigade based in Nîmes.

(ES)² provides the conclusions of the security master plan the firm performed on the water supply system of a utility company in the north of France.

May 2022

(ES)² begins drafting the Emergency Water Response Plan (EWRP) for a large city in the south of France.

April 2022

(ES)² organizes a technical day at the engineering school Mines Alès between fire brigade officers representing each of the Occitanie departments (south of France), and the operations directors of a major water company. The aim of the meeting was to discuss operating risks, particularly in terms of the methanization process at large wastewater treatment plants.

Mars 2022

(ES)² continues to support a major utility in the south of France in developing updated business continuity and contingency plans, taking into account the latest events and in particular the consequences of superstorm Alex in the Côte d’Azur department.

(ES)² also carries out a crisis management exercise in the Occitanie region, south of France, based on a scenario of a pollution in the drinking water network for a private water company.

February 2022

(ES)² submits Security and Business Continuity Plans (SBCP) in response to any operating risk for a large water production company and supports its conclusions in front of the High Commission for National Protection of Luxembourg.

(ES)² begins working with a major water authority in Seine-Maritime, west of France, to improve its ability to respond to operational crises, potentially affecting the water supply to a major industrial port area.

January 2022

As a follow-up of a project carried out in 2018 and 2019 on the emergency preparedness strategies of utilities in charge of water supply in the Paris-Ile de France interconnected zone, (ES)² and its partner Prolog begin a crisis response study, in the event of a major flood in the Paris region.

December 2021

For a public operator in charge of drinking water in a major city in the Brittany region, (ES)² prepares, leads and debriefs, in the form of a progress plan, an operating crisis exercise based on a flood scenario, leading to an ultimate water emergency for the population and sensitive customers.

November 2021

(ES)² carries out an initial security assessment and evaluate the costing for the reinforcement of improved deterrence, detection and protection measures for the whole drinking water assets of a major conurbation in the Hauts de France region, north of France.

(ES)² prepares and organizes an operational crisis management exercise based on a chemical pollution scenario for an operator in charge of drinking water systems for a major urban community in the Alpes Maritimes, south of France.

October 2021

For a large city in the Hauts-de-France region, north of France, (ES)² prepares, runs and debriefs, in the form of a progress plan, a crisis management drill based on a network pollution scenario, involving an emergency water supply for the benefit of the local population and a sensitive client which was a military site.

September 2021

(ES)² begins drafting the emergency response water supply plan for a city in the Brittany region, by interviewing all the sensitive customers for health reasons (hospitals) and security reasons (naval base) served by the water company in order to gain a better understanding of their water supply requirements in the event of a breakdown of the water distribution.

July 2021

(ES)² starts to support a water authority in a large city in the south of France in developing updated business continuity and contingency plans, taking into account the lessons learned from recent operating crises.

(ES)² carries out an operational diagnosis, prepares and organizes a crisis management exercise for an operator in charge of sanitation for a large city in the Vendée department, west of France. A scenario involving an electrocution led to the deployment of a large number of fire-fighters from the SDIS 85.

June 2021

(ES)², with its partners designing the pedagogical engineering, takes part in the first training session on resource pollution crisis management, organized by the Cedre (international experts in accidental water pollution), at IMT Mines Alès engineering school: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfBSCen7CZQ.

(ES)² presents its client, a large public company in the south of France, designated as a Vital Importance Operator (VIO), with the Special Protection Plan for one of its sites designated as a Point of Vital Importance (PVI).

May 2021

By carrying out around fifteen interviews with operating managers, (ES)² draws up a Pre-Crisis Operational Diagnosis (DOPC) and a Crisis Management Progress Plan (PPGC) for its client, a large regional water company in the south of France mainly responsible for transporting raw water in the whole Provence Alpes Cote d’Azur region.

These on-call managers are then trained in crisis management in response to resource pollution and power and telecoms major disruptions, as well as crisis communication.

April 2021

(ES)² delivers its conclusions to a major water company in the Paris region on the technical and technological developments to be expected in its information systems that contribute to the physical security of its sites classified as Points of Vital Importance (PVI).

March 2021

(ES)² audits and draws up Initial Security Assessments (ISA) for water supply systems serving a large tourist area in the Var department, south of France.

February 2021

(ES)² carries out an operational diagnosis, prepares and organizes a crisis management exercise based on a major flood scenario on the Seine river for the operator in charge of water and sanitation for a major urban community in Seine-et-Marne.

January 2021

(ES)² draws up a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) in response to any risk to the operation of a utility supplying part of the potable water of the State of Luxembourg.

(ES)² submits its Operator Security Plan (OSP) to a client, which is a large public water company designated as an Operator of Vital Importance (OVI) by the French government.

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